Frustrated over the low response of your cover letters? So what if you've tons of great experiences and your resume generally lands into the paper baskets, or being thrown away by a mere click of a button if you're sedning it through emails.
This is what I've learnt today, and can increase your response by 2-3 times! And it's very simple. This technique is known as the "Mr. P.S.".
Most of the times, post scripts, or simply P.S. is the first thing that people will read when they open a letter. It's that powerful!
What you need to do is simply to add a P.S. in front of your signing off, just after you finished the last paragragph of your cover letter.
This P.S. is generally not more than 3 sentences, the main objective is to grab the readers attention and call for a action, either through your promised following up, or them calling you. Below are just a few examples:
P.S. The attached resume explains my relevant experience in detail. I look forward to an interview where we can chat in person to get better acquainted!
P.S. I'm sure you review several resumes each day. I hope mine will allow me to quickly show you how my experiences and qualifications can greatly enhance this role I'm applying.
P.S. I would like the opportunity to present a few additional ideas to you in person. Let's get together soon. How about next week?
Use this little trick and see how it works for you!
To Your Success,
Allan Heng
P.S. By the way, if you want to learn how to write an irresistible cover letter, you can check out this fantastic Cover Letter Creator that I've just discover. Click HERE to find out more!
This is what I've learnt today, and can increase your response by 2-3 times! And it's very simple. This technique is known as the "Mr. P.S.".
Most of the times, post scripts, or simply P.S. is the first thing that people will read when they open a letter. It's that powerful!
What you need to do is simply to add a P.S. in front of your signing off, just after you finished the last paragragph of your cover letter.
This P.S. is generally not more than 3 sentences, the main objective is to grab the readers attention and call for a action, either through your promised following up, or them calling you. Below are just a few examples:
P.S. The attached resume explains my relevant experience in detail. I look forward to an interview where we can chat in person to get better acquainted!
P.S. I'm sure you review several resumes each day. I hope mine will allow me to quickly show you how my experiences and qualifications can greatly enhance this role I'm applying.
P.S. I would like the opportunity to present a few additional ideas to you in person. Let's get together soon. How about next week?
Use this little trick and see how it works for you!
To Your Success,
Allan Heng
P.S. By the way, if you want to learn how to write an irresistible cover letter, you can check out this fantastic Cover Letter Creator that I've just discover. Click HERE to find out more!

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